Seeking opinions on this.

Server is Dual Pentium Xeon 2.8, 6 GB RAM, running RedHat Linux 7.2,
MySQL 4.0.17, all installed and tested with no problems.

I had a small database for testing purposes, and then dropped it,
leaving the default installation databases, mysql and test.

If I run top from shell I get the following:

>19683 root       9   0   956  956   772 S     0.0  0.0   0:00 mysqld_safe
>19716 mysql      9   0 12960  12M  1612 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 mysqld
>19718 mysql      9   0 12960  12M  1612 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 mysqld
>19719 mysql      9   0 12960  12M  1612 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 mysqld
>19720 mysql      9   0 12960  12M  1612 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 mysqld
>19721 mysql      9   0 12960  12M  1612 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 mysqld
>19722 mysql      9   0 12960  12M  1612 S     0.0  0.2   0:00 mysqld

I checked the connections to the server and there are absolutely none.
No one else is on a shell session except me.
This is going on for the last 48 hrs.
Is this normal?
Do I need to do anything about this?
If so, please point me to the right direction.

Thank you.

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