The older system is choosing to use a different index. I would suggest 
running an analyze on your new tables and see if you can get the newer 
system to use the same Postsindex8 index.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/4/04, 1:01:46 PM, Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding index change 
moving files to other computer?:

> Hi folks.  I'm in the midst of moving from a debian unstable system to a
> gentoo system and I'm having some problems getting mysql to give me the
> same performance.  On the new gentoo system (with more hardware) a fairly
> complex query (a search on a UBBThreads forum) is taking 10+ seconds to
> complete, while on the debian system it's in the 0.01s range.  Before
> I'm critisized on my distro choice, it appears I've traced part of the
> problem down with EXPLAIN:

> (sorry about the width :( )
> New but slower system:
> | table | type   | possible_keys                                          
| key             | key_len | ref           | rows | Extra                  
> | t1    | ref    | w3t_Postsindex7,w3t_Postsindex8,ID_ndx,board_topic_ndx 
| w3t_Postsindex7 |       3 | const         | 6607 | Using where; Using 
filesort |
> | t2    | eq_ref | indx1                                                  
| indx1           |     100 | t1.B_Board    |    1 |                        
> | t3    | eq_ref | PRIMARY,indx3                                          
| PRIMARY         |       4 | t1.B_PosterId |    1 |                        

> Old but faster system:
> | table | type   | possible_keys                                          
| key             | key_len | ref           | rows  | Extra       |
> | t1    | range  | w3t_Postsindex7,w3t_Postsindex8,ID_ndx,board_topic_ndx 
| w3t_Postsindex8 |       4 | NULL          | 19645 | Using where |
> | t2    | eq_ref | indx1                                                  
| indx1           |     100 | t1.B_Board    |     1 |             |
> | t3    | ref    | PRIMARY,indx3                                          
| indx3           |       4 | t1.B_PosterId |     1 |             |

> The big thing here as I've read and understood it is that the gentoo
> system is "Using filesort", which is horribly slow compared to plain old
> where and indexes.

> However, I've made no changes to the database files, just copied
> /var/lib/mysql/<database> from the old system to the new.  The faster
> box is a 4.0.14 system and the slower is using 4.0.16.

> Based on my reading of some of the docs on using filesort is
> used when mysql can't use indexes for the order by clause.  Would these
> indexes not be there and still available when moved to the new system?
> It seems very strange to me.  Oh, and I also tried dumping just that
> database and re-importing it from the (sql) dump file, with the same
> results.

> Please help!

> BTW, specs on the systems:
> Old: debian unstable running linux 2.4.24 with mysql 4.0.14
>       XP1800 with 1G ram on two IDE drives with software RAID1
> New: gentoo stable, kernels used were 2.4.24, 2.4.25_pre6, and 2.6.1
>       with and without preempt.  Mysql tried 4.0.16 static and dynamic
>       with various cflags and 4.0.17 binaries from  my.cnf has
>       been set to the same as o nthe old box, the default config, and the
>       huge, large and medium sample configs, all with the same results.

> Many thanks.

> alan

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