First of all I admit that I am not an expert of MySQL. However, during the
last three months I have TEST installed MySQL Server software and gone
through the tutorial. My next step is to setup three computers as follows:

     |--------------|  |--------------|  |--------------|
     | |  | |  | |
     | freeRADIUS   |  | qmail/HTTP   |  | DataServer   |
     |--------------|  |--------------|  |--------------|
            |                 |                 |

My design is have run MySQL on data server and keep all data (sql) on this
server. freeRADIUS server is for authentication and qmail/HTTP server is for
mail and web pages.

I am told that I need to install MySQL client program on freeRADIUS &
qmail/HTTP servers and master MySQL on DataServer. I have not been able to
find either Client or Master MySQL but just MySQL! Is there a subset of
MySQL which is known as Client and/or Master MySQL or is it just

Any help is highly appreciated.


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