Alvaro Avello wrote:

Hi everybody : I'm experiencing a trouble with user permissions and wildcards in the host field ( % ). I have several MySQL databases and we connect to them through myodbc to Centura team developer apps . Since the beginning we create all the users with a wildcard in the host field because we needed to connect from different LAN ' s . in the other hand ,we build a web server with apache - php - mysql and started to create app's which we used to connect to the 'stand alone' MySQL Servers. Everything was fine, until the web server crashed . So, we needed to move all the php app's to one of our MySQL 'stand alone' servers . since then we can not connect through php to the databases located in the same server . we have errors like ' access denied to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ' and thats o.k. the questions is , the wildcard in host field doesn't involve localhost o a machine host's ? Which kind of permissions we have to put in host fields to have a mobility and not to be afraid to move our servers for an emergency ? the mysql version i'm using is 4.0.14 .

Thanks in Advance and happy weekend ¡ :-)

Saludos / Regards ,

One possibility is that you haven't removed the anonymous user, ''@localhost, which comes with the default install. When mysql matches your [EMAIL PROTECTED] login, host takes precedence over user. So, ''@localhost trumps [EMAIL PROTECTED] when logging in from localhost. You can fix this by either explicitly adding [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by deleting the anonymous ''@localhost user.

See <> for more.


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