As I understand it, fixed-length *rows* are faster than variable-length rows, as mysql knows exactly where each fixed-length row starts in the file. Once your table has any variable-length column, however, you have variable-length rows. In that case, the smaller the rows the better, speedwise. So, once your table has a variable-length column, mysql changes the CHARs to VARCHARS to save space and improve efficiency.

See <> for more.


After writing the above, I went and looked at your test results. Interesting. I imagine you've already read about silent column changes. I have a couple questions about your test.

- I notice that in tables test2 and test4, the CHAR and VARCHAR columns are indexed, but they are not indexed in tables test1 and test3. This means that each of your LEFT JOINS has an index on the right, but not on the left. Was that on purpose? Usually, you'd want an index on both sides of the join condition. I don't really expect that to make any difference here, though, as you are selecting more than 30% of the rows (all of them, in fact).

- Have you tried the equivalent test joining on the int columns? That would control for any difference between fixed/variable length rows, as oppposed to the relative efficiency of CHAR vs. VARCHAR.


Matt Fagan wrote:

I'm having the same problem. I did a performance test, and
CHAR columns are significantly faster than VARCHAR (at
least on my platform - MySQL 4.1.1a on Win32). I setup a
webpage with my sample code (VB) so that you can run the
test yourself:

The results were that table join on CHAR-CHAR was about 15%
faster than join on VARCHAR-VARCHAR. Does anyone know how
to stop the auto-conversion of CHAR to VARCHAR ?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hassan Shaikh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 7:06 AM
Subject: Automatic conversion from `char` TO `varchar`


It's really strange but when I execute the following

statement, all my char(10) columns turn into varchar(10). My other tables are ok and I've tried create dummy table also. Problem seems to be associated with this table only.


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