At 01:55 PM 2/10/2004, you wrote:
I'm trying to get a fixed entry date using two
DATETIME fields (dt_update, dt_create).
The first DATETIME field (dt_update)
automatically updates each time the record is
modified, the second DATETIME field (dt_create)

I've been able to get it using this:

INSERT INTO `test` SET dt_create = NOW()

However, what I really need is to have the above
INSERT statement (or something that
does the same thing) integrated into another
INSERT statement which looks
something like this:

INSERT INTO `test` (`Title`, `Email`, `City`,
`State`, `Country`, `URL`, `Date`,
`Description`, `rid`) VALUES ('Widget',
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Glendale', 'CA', 'USA ',
'', 'Tuesday, February 10,
2004 ', 'Widgets for sale', '')

Anybody know how to do this?

Many thanks in advance,


If you insert a NULL into a DateTime column that does not allow nulls, it will set it to the current date & time. So just replace your 'Tuesday, February 10,
2004 ' (which btw won't work because it has the wrong date format, should be '2004-02-10') with NULL.


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