I get this error when I try to execute the following select statement: "All Parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need null in a key, use UNIQUE instead."
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CashVariances (PRIMARY KEY(sUnit)) SELECT sUnit, dSalesDate AS dDate, SUM(nStoreCash) AS aCash, SUM(nBankCash) AS bCash, SUM(nStoreCash) - SUM(nBankCash) AS nDifference FROM CashBalances GROUP by sUnit, dDate ORDER BY RIGHT(concat('0',sUnit),4), dDate I created this statement based on this sample from a book: CREATE TABLE new_tbl (PRIMARY KEY (a)) SELECT a, b, c FROM old_tbl The thing is that I want the Field "sUnit" to be the PRIMARY KEY and the recordset returned by the SELECT Statement does not return NULL values. I can't find any alternatives except for first creating the table and then inserting the records. If it's something wrong in my CREATE SELECT statement, please, let me know. Any help will be really appreciated... Thanks in advance, Carlos Vázquez Jr. Financial Programmer MySQL 3.23