Hi, I am experiencing strange behavior from a TIMESTAMP column in an
InnoDB table on my MySQL 4.0.16 server.  Specifically, it fails to
select certain rows by this column.  The table is defined as:

        s_id int(11) not null,
        p_id int(11) not null,
        action enum('A', 'B', 'C'),
        tstamp timestamp(14),
        index ( s_id, p_id ),
        index ( tstamp )

My problem exists for the first few rows in this table.  For example,
take the first row by date:

mysql> select min(tstamp) from log;
| min(tstamp)    |
| 20031026010002 |

Now consider the following attempts to select this row:

mysql> select * from log where tstamp = 20031026010002;
mysql> select * from log where tstamp = '20031026010002';
mysql> select * from log where tstamp = "20031026010002";
mysql> select * from log where tstamp = "2003-10-26 01:00:02";
mysql> select * from log where tstamp > "20031026010001"
    -> and tstamp < "20031026010003";

None of these return any rows.  To add insult to injury, this database
is replicated, and on the *replicated* database, ALL of these queries
work.  The only query by date that work on the main database is:

mysql> select * from log where tstamp < "20031026010003"

Which doesn't make any sense considering that the date range query
didn't work.

It seemed like this table must be corrupted somehow, so I ran a 'check
table' on it which return a status of OK.

Unfortunately I cannot replicate this problem, so my hope is that
someone else has experienced this as well, or that someone can suggest a
method to repair this table.

Some final notes.  While this problem may have existed previously, I
only noticed it when I began deleting old log data by date via a
script.  Furthermore, only the first 2000 or so earliest dates cannot be
selected.  All dates after this 'blackout' period can be selected
without a problem.


 |- Garth Webb       -|

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