Hi List,

Can someone explain the results below? It seems that MySQL has a hard
time choosing keys for 'or' searches. The example here is very simple
but reflects the more complex cases where lots of rows or joins are
used perfectly:

1) That's the table I have:

artikelnummer varchar(13) not null
wordid        int(11)     not null
typ           enum('interntitel', ...<15 others cut off>... ,'forlag')

with keys on:

wordid        (Collation=A, Cardinality= 52447, Index_type=BTREE)
typ           (Collation=A, Cardinality= 5, Index_type=BTREE)
artikelnummer (Collation=A, Cardinality= 59003, Index_type=BTREE)

2) It's optimized and analysed and I even tried rebuilding it from scratch by dumping and re-reading it:

mysql> analyze table wordlist;
| Table         | Op      | Msg_type | Msg_text                    |
| test.wordlist | analyze | status   | Table is already up to date |

3) Some simple query to compare to:

mysql> explain select wordid from wordlist where wordid in (4000,5000,6000);
id 1
select_type SIMPLE
table wordlist
type range
possible_keys wordid
key wordid
key_len 4
ref NULL
rows 3
Extra Using where; Using index

4) Now add a 'or' on the same field. It's still fine:

mysql> explain select wordid from wordlist where wordid in (4000,5000,6000) or wordid in (2000,4500,8000);
id 1
select_type SIMPLE
table wordlist
type range
possible_keys wordid
key wordid
key_len 4
ref NULL
rows 6
Extra Using where; Using index

5) Same thing on two different fields. Say good-bye to indexed searching:

mysql> explain select wordid from wordlist where wordid in (4000,5000,6000) or artikelnummer = '834534857345';
id 1
select_type SIMPLE
table wordlist
type ALL
possible_keys wordid,artikelnummer
key NULL
key_len NULL
ref NULL
rows 472026
Extra Using where

6) Now for fun an 'and' on the same conditions:

mysql> explain select wordid from wordlist where wordid in (4000,5000,6000) and artikelnummer = '834534857345';
id 1
select_type SIMPLE
table wordlist
type ref
possible_keys wordid,artikelnummer
key artikelnummer
key_len 13
ref const
rows 1
Extra Using where

What's the point of indices if I cannot combine two indexed fields with OR ?

Any help appreciated,
Andreas Pardeike

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