
I just installed 4.0.18-nt and I am getting very weird results. I asked this before but the example was too complicated to follow. Sorry about that. Here it is in a much simpler form: For example after restarting mysqld I run this query:

select location from vevents where event_id=15 UNION ALL select location from Vevents where event_id=20;

which gives me this:

| location |
| NBC-TV   |
| House    |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

running it again gives me this:

| location |
| NBC-TV   |
| House    |
| NBC-TV   |
| House    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

and again gives me this:

| location |
| NBC-TV   |
| House    |
| NBC-TV   |
| House    |
| NBC-TV   |
| House    |
6 rows in set (0.02 sec)

and so on for as long as I care to entertain myself in this way. If I restart mysql I get back to 2 rows returned.

I have reproduced this on two Windows 2000 boxes. What's going on? Why do I keep adding on to the result set? When I drop back down to 4.0.13 this problem disappears! Is this a bug in 4.0.18?


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