carreraSC wrote:

No one has any ideas?


I've got a sorting question that I can't figure out. The page in question is here:

I'd like it to show up like this:
    job 1
    job 2
    job 1
    job 2
    job 1
    job 2

Basically, I'd like the categories of employment to be alphabetical. Here's the SQL stuff now:


$connection = @mysql_connect("$db_host","$db_user","$db_pass") or die("Couldn't Connect.");
$db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select database.");

$sql ="SELECT id,status,title,summary,description,post_date,hidden,job_id,contact_emai l
FROM careers
WHERE hidden = '2'
ORDER BY job_id,title ";

Here you retrieve all jobs ordered by job_id, which, I assume, is the key to the category table. So, your categories are in id order, rather than alphabetical by name (category.category).

$result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die("Error #". mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// lookup sub_cat name and display, only if it's new if ($job_id != $old_job_cat){ // New Connection and selection from Sub Category db
$connection = @mysql_connect("$db_host","$db_user","$db_pass")
> or die("Couldn't Connect.");

There's no need to reconnect. In fact, this adds a lot of overhead. You are reconnecting for every job, when your original connection is still good.

$db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select database.");

Same here. You aren't changing dbs, so don't reselect the same db.

$cat_sql ="SELECT job_id, category FROM career_categories WHERE job_id = '$job_id' ORDER BY category ASC";

You only need to select category here, as you already have $job_id.

$cat_result = @mysql_query($cat_sql, $connection) or die("Error #". mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());

while ($cat_row = mysql_fetch_array($cat_result)) {

Redundant. This sets $job_id = $job_id.

// We then print out the RESULT row $job_heading = " <br>\n <FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>$category</B></FONT>\n";
$display_block .= "$job_heading <br>\n";
} }
// This ends the Sub Cat Row, and continues the Job Listings Row $old_job_cat = $job_id;

$display_block .= " <a href=\"detail_action.php?id=$id\">$title</a> - $summary<br>\n";


$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);

if ($num != 0) {


} else {



The problem is, when the script looks for "job_ID" and attempts to see if it matches anything, it doesn't return an array of results...just 1. So, can't really alphabetize one result. Any workarounds?

Exactly, you are querying the db for the job category once for each job. You would be better off using a join to get the category for each job in the original query, ordered by the category so you get the sorting you want, then print the header row each time the category changes. See the sample code below.



$connection = @mysql_connect("$db_host","$db_user","$db_pass")
or die("Couldn't Connect.");
$db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection)
or die("Couldn't select  database.");

$sql ="SELECT, c.status, c.title, c.summary, c.description,
              c.post_date, c.hidden, c.job_id, c.contact_email,
       FROM careers c, career_categories cat
       WHERE c.job_id=cat.job_id AND hidden = '2'
       ORDER BY cat.category, c.title";

$result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection)
or die("Error #".  mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());

$old_cat = ''; //make sure we get a header for the first job
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

  // display category name if it's new
  if ($category != $old_cat)
    $job_heading = "  <br>\n   <FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>$category</B></FONT>\n";
    $display_block .= "$job_heading  <br>\n";

// display the job listing row
$display_block .= " <a href=\"detail_action.php?id=$id\">$title</a> - $summary<br>\n";

  $old_cat = $category; //update $old_cat

$num = @mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($num != 0)

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