Liying Huang wrote:
I have been struggling with one way replication for weeks, still
can't make it work.

I used windows, MySql 4.0.17 version on both. I have set bin-log option
in my.cfg in master computer, in slave computer, set master-host, master-user=repl,master-password, replicate-do-db=test and
replicate-ignore-db=mysql, skip-slave-start in my.cfg. I have zipped the database from master, copy the zip to slave and unzip it, then I start master server, after I set all privileges for repl in master server, I
start slave. When I do some update in master computer in database, the query ( update test.experiement set ......, database is specified in the query) showed in master-bin.001 and it is shown in slave-relay-bin.001 too (slave IO thread is working), but test database
in slave doesn't update. What could be wrong?

I have donw show slave status, SQL thread seems to be running
too, but why it doesn't execute the query from liyingtop-realy-bin.001?

I wonder if anyone has experienced the similar situation and know
what's wrong with what I did.

Change replicate-do-db=test to replicate-wild-do-table=test.% or get rid of it altogether. Alternatively, try

use test; update experiment ...

instead of

update test.experiment ...

Sasha Pachev
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