
we have a big problem with inserting large amounts of data (2GB) into our MyISAM 
databank (version 4.0.12).
The dataset  is loaded in using 
LOAD DATA infile 'bla' ignore into table tab fields terminated by ' ' optionally 
enclosed by '' (int1, int2, int3, date);

The format of the text file is...
int1 int2 int3 'date' 

...with white spaces between each field.  After loading the data, there seems to be 
inconsistencies between the text-input data and the data in the mySQL table.

The problem seems to be localized to int3 and date, which shows integers that have 20 
appended to the original data.  (Ie.  if int3 is 15, it would be in the database as 
2015)  and date is '0000-00-00'.

Any suggestions?



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