
I have created the COBOL coding to test those C API from
MySQL. Upon executing this COBOL program too hangup the server
but here using mysql_error() I got the error message in a
variable as 
  *Can't open shared memory. Request event don't create  (2)*

These Error I captured after running the Prepared statement 
mysql_prepare() when executing mysql_bind_param().

    What does this error mean to say????

I missed to quote the memory usage error when I try the mysqld from
console once after the server hangup when running C program is

C:\>mysqld --debug
Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: No error
040223 19:18:22  Do you already have another mysqld server running 
                 on port: 3306?
040223 19:18:22  Aborting
040223 19:18:23  mysqld: Shutdown Complete
    Maximum memory usage: 20726 bytes (21k)

Is i need to make changes in *my.ini* for the memory buffers?

Pls reply with detail....



 --- Arunachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi,
> I wish to provide some more information too regarding MySQL 
> Server hangup.
> Once after I execute the C sample program, WinMySQLAdmin tool 
> and  query commands from *mysql>* console never responds. 
> During this time if I try to start mysqld from another console 
> produce the following error message;
> C:\>mysqld --debug
> Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: No error
> 040223 19:18:22  Do you already have another mysqld server 
>                  running on port: 3306?
> 040223 19:18:22  Aborting
> 040223 19:18:23  mysqld: Shutdown Complete
> What could make the server become inactive or hangup while
> executing Client C API functions.
> thank you
> Expecting your valuable reply.
> regards,
> Arun.
>  --- Arunachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi,
> > 
> > I have written in intermediate, on the appropriate position in this 
> > discussion, please go thru in full.
> > 
> >  --- Michael Widenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> > > hi!
> > > 
> > > >>>>> "A" == Arunachalam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  
> > > A> As per my searching I have found the right C API in libmysql.lib from
> > > A> MySQL 5.0.0, (i have doubt: Is any eariler version 4.0.xx provides this???)
> > > A> C API routines are: mysql_prepare(), mysql_bind_param(), mysql_execute(), 
> > > A> mysql_stmt_affected_rows(), mysql_fetch(), mysql_stmt_close()...
> > > 
> > > You should probablty use MySQL 4.1 instead of MySQL 5.0 for testing
> > > this as we make more often releases for 4.1 than for 5.0 (until 4.1 is
> > > production ready).
> > 
> > 
> > I didn't find the API's what I have specified above in MySQL 4.1.1 in 
> > *libmysql.dll*,  but those API's are provided by *mysqlclient.lib* in 
> > this version. 
> > 
> > I have created COBOL specific *libmysql.lib* from existing *libmysql.dll* 
> > becaz libmysql is Dynamic Access Library - right.  
> > 
> > (what I have did to convert libmysql.dll file into COBOL compiler 
> > specific *libmysql.lib* is by using an utility *pexports.exe*, i have
> > convert given libmysql.dll into libmysql.def file then by using LIB.EXE
> > of COBOL compiler convert libmysql.def into libmysql.lib file.)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > A> I have installed MySQL 5.0.0-alpha for Windows and I have properly linked 
> > > A> thelibmysql.lib into my COBOL compiler... To verify the Parameter Passing 
> > > A> mechanism to the API routines i have taken the sample C code from MySQL 
> > > A> manual (URL: * http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/mysql_execute.html * )
> > > 
> > > A> When I compiled this sample coding using VC++, it ask for *typelib.h* header 
> > > A> file, it is not given with insatllation pack, under the Mysql folder 
> > > A> (C:/MySQL/Include), I have searched on the net and include it accordingly.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for notifying us about this. typelib.h should be included in
> > > the MySQL folder and we will do that for next MySQL windows release.
> > > (4.1.2)
> > > 
> > > A> After that i have made changes in some variable names becaz of it follows 
> > > A> other header files variable name as such.
> > > 
> > > What changes did you have to make ?
> > > Including typelib.h should be enough.
> > 
> > When I try to first compile this program in VC++ it notify the mismatch
> > variable as 
> > 
> > MYSQL_BIND    bind[3];
> > which is already used by <winsock.h> header file, so I have change this variable
> > into *Pbind* like this. (I have doubt: after your discussion i once again compiled
> > it with previous name(i.e, bind) it never produce any error).
> > 
> > The variable mysql used in other API's to be changed to *&mysql*, I have changed 
> > this after meeting the following errors;
> > 
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(41) : error C2115: 'function' :  incompatible 
> > types
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(41) : warning C4024: 'mysql_query' : different 
> > types for
> formal
> > and actual parameter 1
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(44) : error C2115: 'function' : incompatible types
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(44) : warning C4024: 'mysql_error' : different 
> > types for
> formal
> > and actual parameter 1
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(48) : error C2115: 'function' : incompatible types
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(58) : warning C4024: 'mysql_prepare' : different 
> > types for
> > formal
> > and actual parameter 1
> > D:\vcprojects\mysql\src\source.c(62) : error C2115: 'function' : incompatible types
> >  
> > > I will ask our windows team to verify that the example works ok with
> > > VC++
> > > 
> > > A> Upon all the changes I can able to execute succcessfully the coding and it 
> > > A> does the function properly on the MySQL server database.
> > > 
> > > A> The PROBLEM I met is, Once this sample code executed and inserted data to 
> > > A> the Database the server get's hanged - why???????????????
> > 
> > 
> > After the discussion with you only i came to listen mysqld.trace, but it's content 
> > cann't be understand by me, herewith I have attached that file for your reference.
> > anyhow i understand that there is some Memory alloca/dealloc problem hangs up my
> > MySQL server.
> > 
> >  
> > > This shouldn't happen.
> > > Can you please describe exactly what you mean with a 'hang' ?
> > > 
> > > - Does the connection in your test program stop respoding ?
> >     Yes, if I run the client C program again, the console ouput stay blank
> >     with out any message.
> > 
> > > - Can you connect to mysqld with other clients ?
> >     No, WinMySQLAdmin tool won't allow me to right click on it
> >     mysql -u user -ppass also stay as such when i try it from console 
> > 
> > > - Does the MySQL server take all cpu
> >     No, I can work with other application with out any trouble.
> > 
> > I hope I have given here enough information to identify my trouble, suggest me 
> > in detail ASAP please...
> > 
> > Thanks a lot...
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Arun.
> > 
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