I have a question regarding to search with fulltext on table and fetch the data from another.

Table one:
id, textid, name, number, url

Table two:
id, text

On table two there is a fulltext index.

These two tables recently was one table, but i had to split them due to the amount of data.
textid in table one is refering to id in table two, in order to keep person and text together.

Before the split my search question looked like this:

select id,name,number,url match(text)
against('$searchString') as relevance from table where
match(text) against('$searchString' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
having relevance > 0.9 order by relevance DESC

But due to the split of the table i cant really figure out how to make the question.
I want to search with fulltext on table2(text) and fetch all the corresponding data from table1 where textid=(table2.id).

Any tips?

Best regards

// Fredrik Carlsson

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