That works.  I knew I was missing something simple.  It was the GROUP BY
and the HAVING together.
Thank you very much.

>>> Michael Stassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2/25/2004 9:05:34 AM

Jacque Scott wrote:
> My program, NCR (Non-Conformity Report), keeps track of problems
> items that are received from vendors. I am creating a report where
> user can retrieve a list of vendors that have had a NCR written
> them a certain number of times. For example, if the user wants to
> what vendors have had more than 2 NCRs written against them. 
> I need something like this, but it doesn't work. It gives me an
> saying invalid use of group function. So I put Count(Subs.Vendor) >
> into a HAVING clause and it return only one vendor. I know there are
> more.
> SELECT Subs.Vendor
> FROM tblNCRLog INNER JOIN Subs ON tblNCRLog.SubID = Subs.SubNo 
> WHERE ((tblNCRLog.CurrentDate > '2002/10/1') AND Count(Subs.Vendor)
> 2);
> Does someone have any suggestions?
> Jacque

You say you use HAVING, but it's not in your example query. Perhaps 
that's an oversight. But you're also missing a GROUP BY. Your join 
gets you one row per NCR per vendor. You need to group by vendor, then

check the count with HAVING. I think you need something like:

SELECT Subs.Vendor, COUNT(*) AS NCRs
FROM Subs, tblNCRLog
WHERE Subs.SubNo = tblNCRLog.SubID
AND tblNCRLog.CurrentDate > '2002/10/1'
GROUP BY Subs.Vendor

That would give the vendors and the counts. If you really don't want to

see the counts, so long as they're greater than 2, something like this

should do:

SELECT Subs.Vendor
FROM Subs, tblNCRLog
WHERE Subs.SubNo = tblNCRLog.SubID
AND tblNCRLog.CurrentDate > '2002/10/1'
GROUP BY Subs.Vendor

Hope that helps.


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