Using the latest MySQL 4.

I could use some help on performing a join but not retrieving all the records of the child table. I have a set of tables, the ones involved in this are related as follows:

members (one) -< (many) orders (one) -< (many) orderitems

The end result should be a list of orders with only one row for each order. However, the criteria for the search requires me to join to the orderitems table, since I want to find all orders that do not have a certain product in that order. Here is the basic SQL statement I envision:

SELECT * FROM orders AS o
LEFT JOIN members AS m USING (memberId)
LEFT JOIN orderItems AS oi ON o.orderId=oi.orderId
WHERE (o.orderStatus=2) AND
(oi.productId != 55)

(BTW, I don't actually use SELECT * , just using it here for the purposes of this example)

I still get orders that contains orderitems with productId 55, since there are other order items in the order that are not that product. So Distinct does not help here.

What I think I need is a subselect and the IN clause, but that is not available in MySQL 4.

||| Michael Collins
||| Kuwago Inc                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
||| Seattle, WA, USA  

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