To whom it may concern at Mysql AB:

I see from the Mysql 4.1.1 CHANGELOG that new COMPRESS(), UNCOMPRESS(),
and UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH() functions were added.  That is great news, and
something I have been very interested in for a long time, as evidenced by
this mysql mailing list thread, dating back to 12/18/2001:

The MARC system ( was one of the primary reasons for me
requesting that this feature be added to Mysql.  There is one short-coming
in the new COMPRESS()/UNCOMPRESS() functionality that I would like to
point out, and request that you address.

Here is the background:  Anyone that is running a huge system like MARC
that has millions of uncompressed blob records in huge tables, needs to be
able to migrate, in real-time and without down-time, to compressed blobs.
Therefore, we need a way to know if a given field is compressed or not.

Running alter table on our tables, to add an am_i_compressed boolean, not
only takes an excruciating amount of time and resources, but adds bits to
each record that, from a disk-space perspective, we cannot afford.

Instead, I would like to be able to run a query like:

  select IFCOMPRESSED(msg_body, UNCOMPRESS(msg_body), msg_body)
        from msg_bodies_200402
        where <clause>

Note that the IFCOMPRESSED() function is the key, and what I am requesting
be added to future versions of Mysql.  That function has to be possible.

Hopefully you are storing a header with your compressed data, and if so,
then the IFCOMPRESSED() is trivial to implement.  If you are not storing a
header with your compressed data, then this might be more complicated.
Adding a header might be a possibility -- which is why I am trying to
point this out _EARLY_ in the process before lots of people start using
COMPRESS()/UNCOMPRESS(), or maybe zlib, lzo, or whatever library you are
using can let you know if the data is compressed -- maybe they store a
small header themselves.

Anyway, that is the issue that I want to point out and ask for assistance
on.  Thank you very much for listening to the user community and adding
COMPRESS()/UNCOMPRESS(), and please seriously consider this request.


Lester H. Hightower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Chief Technology Officer, 10 East Corp.

p.s. Could someone at Mysql AB update the URL at the bottom of this page,, to point to instead of  That is our old company name, and we are
always trying to reduce usage on that domain name.  Thanks.

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