During the last week I have asked couple of questions regarding setting up
MySQL & have gotten good answers. Since my knowledge of MySQL is in the
beginer level, and I am very close to finishing up working with MySQL, I
have several questions still un answered. I will try asking one question at
a time so I do not confuse anything.

My setup:
                                        T1 to Internet Backbone 
                                |                         |
                   --------------             --------------
                  | Firewall     |           | Firewall     |
                  | DNS (NS1)    |           | DNS (NS2)    |
                   --------------             --------------
                                |                         |
                             DMZ  |Hub|    DMZ 
             |             |              |               
            rdx           mail         mails           
       ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------  
       |  RADIUS  |   |   Mail   |   | Web/HTTP |   |   DATA   |
       |  Server  |   |   Server |   | Hosting  |   |  MySQL   |
       ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------
            rdxl          maill         mailsl         datal
             |             |              |              |

The four servers sit behind a firewall & communicate with each other on
private 192.168.6.XX network. Data Server (datal) is a MySQL Master Server 
RH9,DUAL CPU, 1.5GB Mem & RAID1) & it is accessable only by servers in the 
DMZ over 192.168.5.XX network. I have file "/etc/my.cnf" in the "data1", 
which I copied from "my-large.cnf" and have made no changed to it.

/etc/hosts table in each server resolves all other servers in the DMZ & I
can PING any one of them from any one of them. 

RADIUS Server (rdxl) is a client MySQL Server and reads authentication data
from DATA Server (datal). My INTENT is to setup Client MySQL Server (rdxl)
that(if possible)it is permanently connected to the MySQL Master Server

I use the following command in Client MySQL Server (rdxl) to connect to the
Master MySQL Server:

   shell> mysql -h datal -u root password=mysqlpw

Where "root" password (mysqlpw) is setup using "mysqladmin" command.

(1) What is the norm UID when connecting from a Client MySQL Server? 
I am using "root" as UID, should I use "mysql" as UID & why? If UID
"mysql" is used then how do I setup PW for it? Is it by "mysqladmin" 
command or by changing the PW is the User Manager?
(2) I am told not to expose the password. In this situation, where
RADIUS server will be connecting to the Master MySQL server every
few seconds, how would I setup the connection to the "datal" server?

(2) In Clinet/Master MySQL setup, do I also need to create a "/etc/my.cnf"
file on the Client MySQL Server? 

(3) What changes do I need in "/etc/my.cnf" file?



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