In your VB code, are your connections pooled, or are you using the same 
connection for each database call?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 3/3/04, 1:12:07 PM, Jacque Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 

> I am trying to create a temporary table through code in my DB.  I can do
> it when I use MySQL Control Center or something like that, but when I
> try to do it through my VB program it doesn't work.

> Here is the sql string:

> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IndenturedList (Level_1 TEXT, Level_2 TEXT,
> AssemblyNumber TEXT, NSIPartNumber TEXT, RecordID INT NOT NULL

> If I paste this into MySQL Control Center I have no problem creating
> it.  Here is the code from my VB program:

>     Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
>     Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
>     Dim fld As ADODB.Field
>     Dim DataArray() As String
>     Dim i As Long
>     Dim lngRecordAffected As Long

>     Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
>    strSQL = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IndenturedList (Level_1 TEXT,
> Level_2 TEXT, AssemblyNumber TEXT, NSIPartNumber TEXT, RecordID INT NOT

>     cn.Open "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=" & gStrSQLServer
> & ";database=NSITbls; uid=" & gStrCurrentUser & "; Password=" &
> gStrCurrentUser & ";"

>     cn.Execute strSQL, lngRecordAffected

> Nothing happens when I run this code.  Is the SQL string only for a DAO
> connection?  The reason I ask is because when I need to write data to
> the db I just change the SQL string and it works.

> Does anyone know what is wrong?

> Thank you,

> Jacque

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