

I have a problem with mysql 4.0.18 on WindowsXP

I set the lower_case_table_names=2 as it is mentioned for windows

at the mysql website.

(before I'm using version 4.0.15 and had set it to 0)

so the tablenames should be stored in this case as I wrote it.


So I create a table in Java with an index (this is only a part of the

String sql = "";


sql += "(";

sql += "id               INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,";               

sql += "objectId         INTEGER                      NOT NULL,";     

sql += ")";


_statement.execute("CREATE INDEX ab_object_objectid_index ON
AB_OBJECTS(objectId) ");


the problem is that the table is created in lower cases as 'ab_objects' 

but if I don't create the index, only the table, its created in upper
case 'AB_OBJECTS' as it should be.

I have some other tables with and without an index and all should be
stored in upper case.




Marco Bluemel

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