SELECT DISTINCT sensor_id, other_fields FROM table_name
ORDER BY time_stamp_field DESC LIMIT 40

Not sure if that will work, but does it point you in the right direction?

j----- k-----

On Saturday 06 March 2004 07:22 pm, Tim McDonough wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Mar 2004 20:40:24 -0600, Paul DuBois wrote:
> > You can use your LIMIT clause as well, as long as by that you don't
> > mean "5 most recent from *each* table".
> This seems similar to something I'm working on which I haven't sorted
> out to my satisfaction yet.
> We have a system that collects and stores data that is time stamped in
> a mysql database. There is data from 40 sensors and it does not arrive
> at exactly the same time so each sensor reading and it's time stamp
> are stored. The table contains a date/time, the sensor ID, and the
> value.
> One request is to have a web page that will display each sensor and
> it's most recent measurement so the most recent is always shown.
> regardless of which sensor it came from. How do I create a query that
> will extract the most recent data (latest date) from the database for
> each of the sensors and have it sorted it by the sensor ID?
> This isn't obvious to me from reading the documentation on queries and
> I've been searching and reading through messages without success yet.
> I suspect a big part of the problem is I'm fairly new to sql queries
> and am not exactly sure what terms to search for.
> Tim

Joshua J. Kugler
Fairbanks, Alaska
Computer Consultant--Systems Designer
.--- --- ... .... ..- .-    -.- ..- --. .-.. . .-.
Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and under 
the earth, that Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!

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