Sorry for taking so much time to answer, i been away of town!. 

Glad to hear it worked!  =)

Best Regards!
On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 12:43, Chris Sanchez wrote:

> Hola,
> I made 4 changes and it worked. changed 3306 and mysql.sock for both
> client and server, now it works fine. Those two options killed so much
> of my time. I followed the instructions line by line and there was
> never any mention of changing the default my.cnf file.
> Gracias,
> Chris
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Medina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:37 AM
> To: Chris Sanchez; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: mysql error grant tables, help
>         Hi!
>         try to look at your my.cnf you haven't config it correctly!
>         At 05:54 p.m. 12/03/2004, Chris Sanchez wrote:
>         > get this when i run scripts/mysql_install_db. also tried
>         > mysqld --skip-grant
>         > and got the same thing. how do i fix?
>         > mysql-standard-4.0.18-sun-solaris2.8-sparc binary on SunOS
>         > ipdev1 5.8
>         > Generic_108528-06 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10.
>         ----8<
>         Saludos, 
>         ____________________________________________________________________
>            _                 _    _                __ __       ___ 
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>           | | ___  _ _  ___ | |  <_>._ _  _ _ __  |  \  \ _ _ / __>| .
>         || |
>          _| |<_> || | |<_> || |_ | || ' || | |\ \/|     || | |\__ \| |
>         || |_
>          \__/<___||__/ <___||___||_||_|_|`___|/\_\|_|_|_|`_.
>         |<___/`___\|___|
>                                                          <___'
>           Victor Medina M
>           Java - Linux - MySQL
>           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           geek by nature, linux by choice
>          ____________________________________________________________________


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 \__/<___||__/ <___||___||_||_|_|`___|/\_\|_|_|_|`_. |<___/`___\|___|
  Victor Medina M
  Java - Linux - MySQL
  geek by nature, linux by choice

 Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. 
 Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive. 
                                               I Corinthians 10:23

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