Yes! Yes you can!


Basically, MySQL is always a network-aware database whether connections come in via Named Pipes (blame Bill for those), TCP/IP, UNIX sockets or via the funky shared memory whatsit that was brought in with MySQL 4.1.x.

All that will be happening in your case is that you'll just need to tell all of your applications and things that your computer is the database server, by specifying "localhost" as the database server.



I wish to learn MySQL on my Linux box [SuSE 8.1]

Can I install MySQL on my hard drive and use it for learning *from* the
hard drive, without having to set up a server/network?  This would include

In other words, can I run MySQL like Access, strictly as a local database,
for learning purposes?

I hope I'm not blaspheming.
Thanks Mike

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