OK, the scenario I've got is that I'm using MySQL 4.1, and Python (using
mysql-python to access the server).
I have a script like the following:
conn = MySQLdb.connect(....) # Basic parameters
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0")
for i in range(1000):
    cursor.execute("SELECT * from _msg where id='282'")
    print (str i) + str( cursor.fetchone() )
For the uninitiated, it's simply connecting, setting AUTOCOMMIT to 0,
calling BEGIN, and executing the same query over 1000 times. After i
equals 650, it starts returning "None", whereas it used to return
appropriate values.
I'm just curious: what limit is this blowing by? This was not being seen
on previous versions of MySQL, so I'm not sure what's causing it now. It
may in fact be the MySQLdb API wrapper - but I'm curious as to what it
would be oversetting on the MySQL side.
Oh, and if I remove he "SET AUTOCOMMIT=0", then it works fine, up to
Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks!
                         _/ __ \  
                          \  ___/ 
       \___  >
    eddie    parker       \/  
    electronic arts  software engineer         
 developer  relations                 

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