On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 09:54, Jacque Scott wrote:
> I need to create a query that will sort by a alpha numeric field.  I
> need the ID field returned and one problem that I will face is that when
> it sorts in alpha numeric the ID field will be out of sequence.  I will
> use this ID field in another part of the program so I need to make sure
> I get all of the ID.

First, you cannot have your results sorted by two columns at the same
time.  Choose the ID field or the alphanumeric field.  Secondly, sorting
by an alpha numeric field will still give you all rows in the table; 
you will not lose data when you sort.

So what exactly is your question?  A question ans some examples of
things you have tried already would help.


 |- Garth Webb       -|

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