just add "old-passwords" to the mysqld section of your mysql server and
recreate the users, it should work just fine!, mysql 4 and up has a new
auth mecanism 

Best Regards
On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 00:10, Lokesh wrote:

> Gordon wrote:
> > A few weeks ago I download the windows version for 5.0.0 and installed
> > it on my machine. After successfully installing the new version I was
> > able to connect with all of my old tools including MyCC 0.9.3,
> > MySQLFront, SQLyog, cmd and MySQL Administrator. 
> > 
> > Yesterday I downloaded the 5.0.0 RPM's for linux and only cmd and the
> > 9.0.4 version of MyCC. 
> > 
> > Is the interface different on the linux verion vs the windows version?
> > Is there some setting I can use to allow the old {and current MySQL
> > Administrator} to connect?
> > 
> > 
> If you have upgraded from MySQL-3.x or MySQL 4.0; you surely need to 
> concern about compatibility issues. Because of change in authentication 
> mechanism, old clients (pre-4.1) can't talk to MySQL-5.0.0 servers.
> Refer to http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Upgrade.html, which lists the tasks 
> and how to plan for upgrade


 |____  _____ ____   _    |Victor Medina M                   |
 |\ \ \| ____|  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL              |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
 |/_/_/|_____|_| /_/   \_\|Tel: +58-241-8507325 - ext. 325   |
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 |                        |geek by nature - linux by choice  |

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