Chip Wiegand wrote:

When running mysql from the command line (Putty terminal) and trying to do some updates the updates fail. First the query I am running -

mysql> update warranty_temp, warranty_old set warranty_old.OwnerName=warranty_temp.OwnerName where warranty_old.WarrantyID between 75 and 100 AND warranty_temp.WarrantyID between 75 and 100;
Query OK, 119 rows affected (50.97 sec)
Rows matched: 14641 Changed: 119 Warnings: 0

This is not a join, it is a cartesian product of the 2 table ranges.

The results of this query are that the OwnerName in record 75 is copied into the OwnerName for records 75 thru 100. That shouldn't be, there should be a differant OwnerName for each row being copied into each row of the target table. Now the table has 119 rows with the same OwnerName.

mysql> update warranty_temp, warranty_old set warranty_old.OwnerName=warranty_temp.OwnerName where
warranty_old.WarrantyID=warranty_temp.WarrantyID and warranty_old.WarrantyID between 75 and 100 ;

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