Hi *, 

I got 2 statement of query which is related to each other but I am confused
whether I can join them into 1 statement

The first one is:

select A.CustId, max(B.InvoiceNum) as InvoiceNum

from Customer A, CustomerInvoice B

where A.CustId=B.CustId and A.CustStatus='AC' group by A.CustId


the results of the query above will be put as $CustId[$a] and
$InvoiceNum[$a] for the following query through a looping process :

select A.CustId, A.CustName, A.CustCompany, A.CustBusName, B.InvoiceNum,
B.CurrentCharge, B.InvoiceStatus, B.UsagePeriod

from Customer A, CustomerInvoice B

where A.CustId=B.CustId  and A.CustId='$CustId[$a]' and


Is there a way so I can get the max(B.InvoiceNumber) together with the
record of the Max of InvoiceNum in 1 statement only?


Thanks in advance





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