I'm getting output like 
 select a.hostid,a.hdesc,b.ipadd1,c.make,c.model,d.name,d.version from host 
a,ipdet_temp1 b,makemodel c,software d,hsdet e
    -> where a.hostid=b.hostname2 and a.makemodel=c.makemodelid and a.hostid=e.host_id 
and e.software_id=d.softwareid and a.hostid='dstm-db01' and b.vflag='N' order by 
hostid    | hdesc                  | ipadd1        | make                  | model | 
name      | version |
| box1 |  Server1(DB01) | xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx | Sun Micro System Inc. | E420R | Sun OS    
| 8       |
| box1 |  Server1(DB01) | xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx | Sun Micro System Inc. | E420R | Oracle8i  
| 8171    |
| box1 | Server1(DB01) |  xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx| Sun Micro System Inc. | E420R | DataGuard 
| 817     |
I want the output like 
| box1 |  Server1(DB01) | xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx | Sun Micro System Inc. | E420R |Sun OS |8
                    |Oracle8i |8171
              DataGuard | 817     |
How to do this?

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