Hi People!!

I'm have something so curious:
        In my application on Java I defined a Statement like this:
                stmt =
        and execute this query:
                stmt.executeQuery("select * from users as usr where (usr.id = 34)");

So this throw a SQLException:
        SQLException: General error,  message from server: "Table 'db.usr' doesn't

The application doesn't throw the SQLException if I define a statement by
default, like this:
        stmt = con.createStatement();

Alternatively I execute this query in MySQLFront and it's work fine,
obviously the statement is not UPDATABLE!!

I think: the answer is that RecordSet UPDATABLES or SCROLL_SENSITIVE doesn´t
work with alias, is that correct?? Any coments...

Thanks in advanced!!!

Alexis Guédez López
Sistemas EPA, ext. 308

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