* O'Neill, Ciaran
> I want to get everything from this table, even if there is no
> corresponding record in the personnel table.

This is a typical task for a LEFT JOIN, try something like this:

select   workorders.jcn                         AS "WO Number",
           workorders.seq                       AS "WO Seq",
         workorders.contact                     AS Contact,
         workorders.summary                     AS Summary,
         class.name                             AS Class,
         severities.name                        AS Severity,
         DATE_FORMAT(workorders.createdon, '%Y-%m-%d') AS WOCreatedOn,
         CONCAT(personnel.lastname, ", ", personnel.firstname)
                  as ClosedBy,
         workorders.closedon                    AS WOClosedOn,
         workorders.totalhours          AS TotalHours,
         accounts.name                          AS Customer,
         products.name                          AS CallCatagory,
         statuses.name                          AS Status
FROM workorders, class, severities, accounts,
products, statuses LEFT JOIN personnel ON personnel.id = workorders.closedby
WHERE class.id = workorders.clid
and severities.id = workorders.severity
and accounts.id = workorders.account
and products.id = workorders.product
and statuses.id = workorders.status
ORDER BY workorders.jcn;

<URL: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/JOIN.html >


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