Thanks for the suggestion, but according to explain we are in worse shape
than before. In both cases the multi-column index is ignored.  I am going to
try fiddling with the index col order to see if this helps.

Here is what it comes up with as you suggested:


explain SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRecords FROM spam t1 INNER JOIN recip t2 ON
t1.RecipID = t2.RecipID INNER JOIN mailin t3 ON t3.MailInID WHERE t1.RecipID
> 34035098 AND t1.Status="present";
| table | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref        | rows
| Extra                    |
| t1    | range  | RecipID       | RecipID |       8 | NULL       |  488474
| Using where              |
| t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY |       8 | t1.RecipID |       1
| Using index              |
| t3    | index  | NULL          | PRIMARY |       8 | NULL       | 5572118
| Using where; Using index |

Not sure if the t1 result is better or worse but the t3 line is bad news.


explain SELECT t1.*, t3.* FROM spam t1 INNER JOIN recip t2 ON t1.RecipID =
t2.RecipID INNER JOIN mailin t3 ON t2.MailInID = t3.MailInID WHERE
t1.Status="present" AND t1.RecipID > 34035098;
| table | type   | possible_keys           | key     | key_len | ref
| rows   | Extra       |
| t1    | range  | RecipID                 | RecipID |       8 | NULL
| 402604 | Using where |
| t2    | eq_ref | PRIMARY,MailInID        | PRIMARY |       8 | t1.RecipID
|      1 |             |
| t3    | eq_ref | PRIMARY,MID_AID,MID_DID | PRIMARY |       8 | t2.MailInID
|      1 |             |

Sort of about the same.

> Did you try:
> SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRecords FROM spam t1 INNER JOIN recip t2 0N
> t1.RecipID = t2.RecipID INNER JOIN mailin t3 ON t3.MailInID WHERE
> t1.RecipID > 34035098 AND t1.Status="present";
> re-written as:
> SELECT t1.*, t3.* FROM spam t1 INNER JOIN recip t2 ON t1.RecipID =
t2.RecipID INNER JOIN mailin t3 ON t2.MailInID = t3.MailInID WHERE
t1.Status="present" AND t1.RecipID > 34035098;

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