I would like to ask a question here, just for my own knowledge. What is actually the difference between the statement below and this one?
SELECT Table1-1.Name AS 'PL', Table1-2.Name AS 'PC', Table1-3.Name AS 'PA' FROM Table2 LEFT JOIN Table1 Table1-1 ON Table1.ID = Table1-1.PL LEFT JOIN Table1 Table1-2 ON Table1.ID = Table1-2.PC LEFT JOIN Table1 Table1-3 ON Table1.ID = Table1-3.PA -----Original Message----- From: Jim Page - EMF Systems Ltd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:09 AM To: gerald_clark Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: stuck with simple query..... Plz have a look Forgive me, but it would be a cartesian product if there were no where condition, I agree? It would return (size Table1)x(size Table2)^3 rows, definitely not what Tariq wants. The query I supplied will return (size Table2)x(1)^3 rows won't it? Or am I missing the point? Jim > >SELECT ta.Name,tb.Name,tc.Name,Description > >FROM Table2,Table1 ta,Table1 tb,Table1 tc > >WHERE ta.ID=PL AND tb.ID=PC AND tc.ID=PA; > > I t may work, but it may consume all ram and disk space in an attempt. > It may take days. > This is a 4 table cartesian product. > There are no join criteria in the WHERE clause. -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]