On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 09:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently came across a problem I couldn't seem to solve right by myself.
> I have a db with objects table, each of those objects may belong to groups
> of objects. The number of groups can be about 256 and an object
> belongs from one to many different groups at once.
> I cannot find a good way to store/select information about groups for
> objects that belong to several groups.
> My first idea was to put a 'groups' column and keep there the
> id_numbers of groups to which particular object belongs to (with
> separators). So the groups column would have values like '100,203,204,208'
> etc. Of course this is not the right way to do it as those values are not
> atom and the lenght of the field may easily grow out of tinytext length
> type I was using...
> It worked ok though for small number of groups and objects though I
> know this was a perfect example of how *not* do do it in a RDB... If
> I wanted an object that belonged to 2 groups (100 and 203 for example)
> I would do "SELECT [...] LIKE '%100%203%'".

You definitely do not want to do it this way.  You'd have to keep the
'groups' column items sorted to make sure you never have a situation
where you query for '%100%203%' when it contains (203,204,100).  This
makes it complicated/non-trivial to add or remove objects from a group. 
Additionally, you'd be doing a full text search for each query which is
vastly slower than querying on an indexed field.

> My next attempt was to create separate table with object_id and
> group_id column, this way an object that belongs to many groups would have
> several rows in the table. If I wanted to know what are the groups
> that my object belongs to - a piece of cake. But things get really rough if
> I want to get objects that (for example) belong to two particular (1 &
> 2) groups. I would go with something like that:
> SELECT DISTINCT(g1.object_id) FROM connecting_table as g1, connecting_table
> as g2 WHERE g1.group_id = 1 AND g2.group_id = 2 AND g1.object_id =
> g2.object_id;
> But this is getting more and more complex if I want to select objects
> that belong to 3, 4 and N groups at once :/ The first solution
> although very ugly seems to be much more clearer (and maybe even more
> efficient for groupn number of 2+?).

This is the right way and more efficient, but why are you making it so
difficult on yourself? ;)

    SELECT DISTINCT object_id
    FROM connecting_table
    WHERE group_id = 1 AND group_id = 2;

There's no need to select the same table twice.  You can make this even
simpler by using 'IN':

    SELECT DISTINCT object_id
    FROM connecting_table
    WHERE group_id IN (1, 2)

> My working solution for now is to have a separate table with object_id
> and groups_id1 column of INT type, I have assigned the first 31 existing
> groups to corresponding bits of the INT field. That is if I want to
> select objects that belong to the groups that have ids of 1,3,5 and 26 i
> would set the bits nr 1,2,4 and 26 of a variable $MY_INT and then query:
> SELECT object_id,groups_id1 FROM connecting_table WHERE
> BIT_COUNT(groups_id1 & $MY_INT) = 4;
> this seems to give me what I want but now if I want to add next 31
> groups I need to create another groups_id2 column and things again
> get a bit complicated - I need now to check in which column the
> current group flag I need to find out may be stored and act
> accordingly (so groups with id 1-31 in column groups_id1, groups 32-63 in
> groups_id2 etc). Not a big problem and this solutions seems to be quite
> cheap (is it?) but somehow I am feeling there is a better way to
> do all this...

This has the same problems as the LIKE '%100%203%' approach, but a full
text search is replaced by math on each row.  In both cases you lose the
ability to use any kind of index.

> Sorry for this long letter I hope I have managed to put the problem
> straight, I may miss something obvious here but as I
> said I have limited knowledge about sql. I would be much grateful for any
> tips.
> ------------------------
> Lecho

 |- Garth Webb       -|

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