Hi peeps,

The setup I have is 2 windows 2000 servers, 
server A = IIS5 
server B = IIS5 + MySQL. 
The servers are connected by a 2nd network card in each machine and can see each other 

When I connect to any database on server B using ASP executed on server B its 
lightning fast, but connecting to the same database on server B from server A the 
initial connection takes around 20 seconds (well I timed it 18.8 seconds to connect 
then 0.5 seconds to query any other table but if left for 60 seconds it goes back to 
18.8 seconds)

I looked at the process list using mySQL CC and it shows that when I request the 
connection from server A the process comes up as:
id: 459
user: unauthenticated user
host: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:1265
db: [NULL]
command: Connect
Time: [NULL]
State: login
Info: [NULL] 

And then after 20 seconds:
id: 459
user: masterServer
host: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:1265
db: _tools
command: Sleep
Time: 5
Info: [NULL]  

I even created the user "masterServer" and set its host to the IP of that machine but 
no joy.

My question is, how do I reduce this user authentication time when connecting from a 
remote server?

Driving me nuts
David Scott

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