
I am using HIGH_PRIORITY in my SELECTs to force queries to take predcedence over 
updating due to replication.  I have recently implemented UNION in some of my queries 
to optimize queries like "WHERE table1.column1=something OR 

Anyway, I first tried formatting my UNION query like "(SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY ...) UNION 
(SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY ...)" but the server complained about the placement of 
HIGH_PRIORITY.  I was finally able to get it to accept the query by only specifiying 
HIGH_PRIORITY in the first part of the UNION, like "(SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY ...) UNION 
(SELECT ...)", but it appears that my searches are not taking precedence as they 
should, and as non-UNION queries do.  Could there be another explanation for why they 
are not taking precedence, or is there another way to specify HIGH_PRIORITY in UNION 
queries to make both sub-queries high-priority?

Thanks a lot!

Chad Attermann

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