This problem is completely repeatable, I'm not the only one having it, and I've found a (temporary) workaround. I'm not sure if it affects other machines than AMD64, but it certainly affects them. I've tested on two now.

If you start MySQL with "skip-concurrent-insert", the problem completely disappears.

I'm going to try to add it to MySQL's bug database, but as I've never used theirs before, I'm hoping some MySQL people might see this email and do a little investigating as well.

More info:

Even on my passive slave, which doesn't have any clients connected to it other than myself, the problem exists. (3 threads total, the two slave threads, and my connection)

As the "INSERT" gets passed from the Master to the Slave, the Slave hangs on it indefinitely (I let it sit for 8000 seconds), despite the fact that no other clients or threads are accessing that, or any other, table.

Previously, I had thought it was related to a race condition where some SELECT was hitting the table right before the INSERT or something, but since there are no SELECTs occurring on my slave, that can't be the case.

Again, this is 4.0.18-max on AMD64. Only INSERTs ... UPDATE and DELETE work fine, but INSERT hangs.



Jaroslav Kocourek wrote:

FWIW, I'm still having this problem.

I've completely dropped the table and re-built it from the ground up. It's a bizarre problem... The table is totally simple. A primary key, and then three varchar fields. The FULLTEXT index spans the 3 varchar fields. There are only 6500+ rows, so it's pretty tiny.

A mysqldump of the table is only 442K.

Has no-one else seen anything like this? I can't imagine I'm the only one.



 I have the same problem, did you find some solution ?


Jaroslav Kocourek

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