Okay, I got phpmyadmin back but
http://logd-test.joseph-a-nagy-jr.homelinux.org still is having problems
(click the link to see the problem) and I've gone through and commented out
the lines it refers to but then all I get is a blank page. So I copy a
fresh, untouched copy of dbwrapper.php to / for the vhost and it still wants
to try and use [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of what is defined in my
dbconnect file. I'm out of idea's and am no longer sure this is a mysql
problem but I don't know where else to go. ):
Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. http://joseph-a-nagy-jr.homelinux.org
Political Activist Extraordinaire       Peace, Life, Liberty
"The only fallacy is the inaction on our part to stave off the worst of 
horrors, the stripping of personal freedom." -- Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. January 2004

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