You have a redundant clause in your query - the distinct is not needed when
you are doing a group by on the same field ('Call Svr Tag ID') - not sure
how the optimiser in MySQL will handle this. In some RDBMS's the duplicate
clause will be optimised down to 1 clause, so you wont cop a performance
hit, but just because you think an optimiser will do something is no reason
not to write the query right the first time - always makes it easier on the
optimiser and write the query with as few possible predicates and clauses as

What indexes do you have on the table?
You need an index on the 'Journal Create Date' (PS identifiers with spaces
in the name are bad practice!).
An index on the Call_Cvc_Tag_ID column may also assist with the group by
function - you need to run an explain to see what indexes are needed.

Also, not sure how the optimiser and indexing in MySQL handles the between
predicate, but you might want to try doing a greater than equal to test and
a less than test in the place of the between test - eg
WHERE Journal_Create_Date >= '2004-03-13' AND Journal_Create_Date <

In answer to one of the other follow ups, a count() should not result in a
full table scan when there are other predicates in the query - they will be
resolved first and then the count() will be done over the temporary result



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, 18 April 2004 06:50
Subject: Slow Query Question - Need help of Gurus.
Importance: High

Hi All,
I have a huge Database which contains about 500,000 records, (will be
adding about 20-25k records every week)
I need to run group queries and output the same to a web interface. 

An example is: 

SELECT DISTINCT(`Call Svc Tag ID`),Count(`Call Svc Tag ID`) as counter,
`Journal Create Date`  FROM 31909_859552 WHERE `Journal Create Date`
between '2004-03-13' AND  '2004-03-16'  and `Call Svc Tag ID`<>'null'
GROUP BY `Call Svc Tag ID` having count(`Call Svc Tag ID`)>3 order by

--basically finding out repeat journal entries over a period of 3 days
for the same tag..
(the no. of days may vary.. 2/3/4/5... , and same goes with the having
count clause..)
The output results to about 150-10000 rows or so.. Based on selections

-I've designed the table to be a MyISAM (I don't care how long inserts
take, that will be a once-a-week-one-time process on the server, I want
the selects to be fast)
- At present a select takes anywhere from 20 seconds to 10 minutes on
such queries.

What can I do?

Till now we were using MS Access, and no web based interface.
Running a normal MySQL 4.0 install on windows 2000, 256 MB RAM, 2.6 GHz
About 10 users at a time would be connecting initially.

I know theres a lot of tweaking possible with MySQL.
Please advise, because I would need a lot of such queries, fetching
through JSP, and displaying them in a presentable form.

Table Structure is as Follows:

Journal Created By  varchar(255)   No                  
Case Substatus ID  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL                
Case Status ID  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL                
Call Rep Employee Name  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL                
Call Rep Employee ID  varchar(10)   Yes  NULL                
Call Rep DPS Login ID  varchar(10)   Yes  NULL                
Call Rep Profile ID  varchar(15)   Yes  NULL                
Call Rep Section Code  varchar(15)   Yes  NULL                
Call Rep Country Code  char(3)   Yes  NULL                
Journal Create Date  date   No  0000-00-00                
Journal Create Time  time   Yes  NULL                
Call Svc Tag ID  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL                
Order Num of Svc Tag  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL               


Keyname Type Cardinality Action Field 
Journal Created By  INDEX  None       Journal Created By  
Call Rep Employee ID  INDEX  None       Call Rep Employee ID  
Call Rep DPS Login ID  INDEX  None       Call Rep DPS Login ID  
Call Rep Profile ID  INDEX  None       Call Rep Profile ID  
Call Rep Country Code  INDEX  None       Call Rep Country Code  
Journal Create Time  INDEX  None       Journal Create Time  
Journal Create Date  INDEX  None       Journal Create Date  
Call Svc Tag ID  INDEX  None       Call Svc Tag ID  

Amit Wadhwa,
Data Analyst

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