I think what is happening is that you are getting the max value for one field, but the "first" values for the other fields. Try ordering you group by:
SELECT max(myindex), myval, mycat
FROM `mytest`

On Apr 21, 2004, at 1:35 PM, Noah Spurrier wrote:

I'm having trouble with "max()" and "group by". It seems pretty simple. I hope someone can point out my mistake. I want to select the max index of a group. In other words, I want to find the last record added for each group. The problem I'm having is that the columns of the resulting rows are mixed with different records. I get the expected indexes returned, but the fields appear to be from another record and not the fields associated with the index.

I ran this query:
    SELECT max(myindex), myval, mycat
    FROM `mytest`
    GROUP BY mycat;

and I get the following results:
    | max(myindex) | myval | mycat |
    | 3            | one   | A     |
    | 9            | one   | B     |

But I was expecting this:
    | max(myindex) | myval | mycat |
    | 3            | one   | A     |
    | 9            | three | B     |

This is my test data.

CREATE TABLE `mytest`(
  `myindex` int(11)   NOT NULL default '0',
  `myval` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `mycat` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`myindex`)

INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (1, 'one',   'A');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (2, 'two',   'A');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (3, 'three', 'A');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (4, 'one',   'B');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (5, 'two',   'B');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (6, 'three', 'B');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (7, 'one',   'B');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (8, 'two',   'B');
INSERT INTO `mytest` VALUES (9, 'three', 'B');


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