
> (1) I am going to setup a MySQL Client machine on a different Server. I
> notice I can't install
> a Client MySQL from Binary MySQL distro. Is it correct?

IŽm not sure, but I think youŽll have to install altmost the complet
MySQL package on the client machine. Perhaps because the libraries.

But youŽll can use MySQL normaly from a client machine.
For instance, you can install MySQL Control Center in a Windows
station and execute queries normaly.

> (2) On a Client MySQL machine, it it necessary to START MySQL or just
> connecting to
> the MySQL Server does the job?

Just connect and MySQL does the job.

> (3) On a Client MySQL machine, is there any need to install support for
> Perl/DBI/DBD or
> support comes from the MySQL Server?

Support comes from the MySQL Server.

> (4) After I installed Perl/DBI/DBD, the cursor was still on "cpan>". How
> I get out of this
> shell? Forexample: When one is in mysql shell, QUIT takes out of the mysql
> shwll.

It seems youŽre still in the CPAN interactive shell.


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