Hello everybody,
I'm back! (been a subscriber here before, a while ago .. was quite an active
one at that time .. ;)) .. and I'm back for a reason, having a very wicked
problem. The setup is one RedHat linux 9 machine (called "s007"), previously
in use as both our web and database server. As traffic increased
dramatically earlier this week, we had to grab another server, running
RedHat Fedora. We'll call her "s006", and use to serve the webpages. All
happened very quickly and smooth for most of it. Only currently still
existing problem has (appearantly) to do with transferring the very special
characters over the lines between s007 and s006, displaying them on the
screen and entering them in the database through webforms. Normal special
chars like é, ê, à and so on seem to be displayed ok (after calling
htmlentities in php: PHP 4.3.3 (cgi) (built: Oct 21 2003 09:51:55) on s006
and PHP 4.3.4 (cli) (built: Jan 24 2004 22:34:14) on s007), but the more
exotic ones (~ and ^ signs on and under Z, S .. and stuff like that) still
cause problems on the s006. Same script, requesting data from the same rows
of the same database on the s007 works as it is supposed to.
MySQL version of both servers is "mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.58, for
redhat-linux-gnu (i386)", for both machines, /etc/sysconfig/i18n looks like:
      1 LANG="en_US"
      2 SUPPORTED="nl_NL:nl_NL:nl:en_US:en"
      3 SYSFONT="lat0-sun16"
      4 SYSFONTACM="iso15"

(numbers are line numbers). To compare the pages:
I'm stuck here with my hands in my hair, and would very much appriciate any
clue to a solution,
Wouter van Vliet
(ps. I tried to post this message some days before too, but failed back
then. If it comes in twice, I apologize)

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