The main one we have noticed it on quite a few times is a mail server that
stores all of the mail in mysql.  And it receives mail for about 300,000
domains.  So it's normally fairly busy.  Currently the load average on the
box, is 6 and for the past 10 minutes 7.41.  So the load average on the box
is not very high, especially for this box.  The box is a dual proc,
currently using 55% system, 30% user, with about 15% idle.  But we aren't
having that problem right now.

Hope that helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 4:21 PM
> To: Donny Simonton
> Subject: Re: mysqld too busy to check its grant tables?
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 04:11:37PM -0500, Donny Simonton wrote:
> > We have tried the same thing, flush hosts and flush privileges did
> nothing.
> > Refresh reload did nothing.  Once the load went down the problem
> normally
> > went away.  We have tried shutting down mysql and starting it back up,
> that
> > helped until the load went down.  Rebooting the box usually helped, but
> once
> > the load went back up, the problem came right back.  Now the box I am
> > talking about is a 4.0.x box.  I have also seen it on 3.23.x.  I have a
> few
> > boxes running 4.1.1, and we have not seen this problem on 4.1.  But that
> > could probably just be a fluke.
> Weird.  Our problems seem not to be load related at all.
> When you say "load" do you mean "busy cpu" or "high load average"?
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy D. Zawodny     |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
> [book] High Performance MySQL --
> --
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