Hi all,
I am a MySQL and in fact SQL newbie.
I am trying to write java code that will help me determine a couple of  error 
I want to be able to find out if, after I have done an insert, if the  values 
that I entered are valid. Interestingly, when I entered clearly invalid  non 
numeric data into bigint fields, it seemed to not generate an error. So I  
guess the first issue is why not, and the second is, is there a way to prevent  
the system from accepting an incompatible type. I know all this can be done at  
the JDBC level but this is an extra layer of security that would be helpful 
in  the app I am writing.
The second issue is similar. How can I find out if a delete request failed  
because the key field could not be found?
Generally speaking, is the error handling doc for MySQL kinda weak, or am I  
just not looking in the right place? I printed out the error codes, but they 
are  not really documented, and dont seem to address my issues.
Hank Williams

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