Hallo !

Strange problem with maxdb odbc connections.

I installed maxdb, databasemanager and sqlstudio on my local windows xp
pc and did some testing.
My application connects via system-dsn MAXDBLOKAL 
U') TO verbindungsnr

Everthing works as expected.
Then i installed maxdb on a linux server (same database name !!!)
Everthing seems to be ok. I can connect with the database manager, start
and stop ......
I can connect with sql studio and create and drop tables ......

BUT ?????
When i open an connection from my pc to the server (dsn=MAXDBSERVER same
as MAXDBLOKAL but with different ip-adress) 
EU') TO verbindungsnr
i'm always connected to my local database ????
If the local database is not running there is an error message.

How can i connect to the server database ???

With mysql switching between lokal and server database by using two
different dsns works well !?

Any help welcomed

Best regards
Albert Beermann

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