mayuran wrote:

This is my table:
mysql> desc testing;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| date  | date | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Here are the values:

mysql> select *from testing;
| date       |
| 2004-04-10 |
| 2004-04-15 |
| 2004-01-01 |

Here is my question:

The following query returns incorrect rows and I dont understand why.

mysql> SELECT * FROM testing WHERE MONTH(date) = (MONTH(NOW()) OR MONTH(NOW())-1);
| date |
| 2004-01-01 |

I wanted the query to return the rows whose months are from this month or last month.

This query however, returns the correct rows:
mysql> SELECT * FROM testing WHERE MONTH(date) = MONTH(now()) OR MONTH(date) = MONTH(NOW())-1;
| date |
| 2004-04-10 |
| 2004-04-15 |

Why does the first one not work? its shorter to type :)


"Shorter to type" doesn't necessarily mean "does what you want." (MONTH(NOW()) OR MONTH(NOW())-1) evaluates to (5 OR 4). The BOOLEAN OR operator returns 1 if either opperand is TRUE (nonzero), or 0 if both operands are FALSE (0). Hence, (5 OR 4) = 1. So, your shorter query evaluates like this:

SELECT * FROM testing WHERE MONTH(date) = 1;

So you are getting the correct result.

Your second, longer query, or the alternatives sent by Victor and Matt, will do what you want.


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