At 08:04 AM 5/5/04, Rudy Lippan wrote:
On Mon, 3 May 2004, Leon Sonntag wrote:

> I am having problems with installing the DBD::MySQL Perl module.  My system
> is: RedHat 8 (patched current) Perl 5.8.4 (installed from RPM but upgraded
> manually) Apache 2.0.40 Modperl 1.99
> I am heading toward being able to install Best Practicals "request
> tracker".  Currently this is a clean system.  Any help is appreciated.

Make sure that the correct 'mysql_config' is in your path before running 'perl

Ah!!! there in may lie a clue to the problem. II was not able to even FIND mysql_config. I tried copying my my.cnf file to mysql_config in the build directory. That didn't work. So I finally manually defined all the variables with commandline switches (as defined by 'perl Makefile.PL --help').

By the way, THANKS VERY MUCH for getting back to me. I had given up on this group!

Most anything is easy after you've done it successfully a few times

Leon Sonntag
Innovative Web Applications
leon at iwa-solutions dot com

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