Hi Victor Pendleton ,

I type this command line.

mysql -uuser -N -e"select date_format('2004-02-29','%X')" > sample2.txt

When i open in text editor,it show that '2004' only.

But i want format display on text file.

mysql> select date_format('2004-02-29','%X');
| date_format('2004-02-29','%X') |
| 2004                           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How 's to do?

Thank you for reply again,
Yingyos  Santipasert

Victor Pendleton wrote:

mysql -uuser -N -e"select date_format('2004-02-29','%X')" > sample2.txt

-----Original Message-----
From: Yingyos
To: Victor Pendleton
Sent: 5/4/04 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: Export query to text file

Victor Pendleton wrote:

The `INTO OUTFILE` clause is expecting a table reference. An

alternatvie is

mysql -uuser -N -e"select now()" > sample2.txt

-----Original Message-----
From: Yingyos
Sent: 5/4/04 2:20 AM
Subject: Export query to text file


I have MySQL 4.0.17 on Windows XP.
I use SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE print out query to text file.
If i write this command.

mysql>SELECT * from tbl1 INTO OUTFILE "C:\\Query\\sample1.txt";

MySQL reponse OK.But i change command.

mysql>SELECT now() INTO OUTFILE "C:\\Query\\sample2.txt";

MySQL response by exit from console.

How's to use SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE with datetime or another function.

Thank for the reply, Yingyos Santiprasert

Hi Victor Pendleton ,

I want format on text file .

mysql> select date_format('2004-02-29','%X');
| date_format('2004-02-29','%X') |
| 2004                           |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How 's to do?

Thank you for reply again,
Yingyos  Santipasert

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