At 14:27 -0500 5/15/04, Josh Trutwin wrote:

I teach a class using Oracle and MySQL and I store a few things like creating tables for student labs in SQL files. I have them load these files by typing:

SOURCE filename.sql;

from the MySQL prompt.

A nice feature in Oracle is that you can set a default path where the client looks for these scripts using: setenv SQLPATH ${HOME}/orascripts, then you don't need to type the full path fo the SQL script file and it works from whatever directory you started the client from.

Is there something similar in MySQL?


I'm trying to keep things simple so the MySQL SOURCE command will find these SQL scripts from whereever the student started MySQL from. And yes I know that this can be done from outside the MySQL client using input redirection, but I think students find the SOURCE command simpler.

Also, any idea why SOURCE filename.sql; works in MySQL 5.0.0 and \. filename.sql; does not?

Leave out the trailing semicolon for short-form commands.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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